Reporting status

Reporting status provides an overview of how much Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) data the UK reports. For more information, see What does the reporting status mean?

Disaggregation status provides an overview of how many of the SDG indicators are disaggregated. For more information, see What does the disaggregation status mean?

For details about all available disaggregations and how each indicator is disaggregated, see the UK disaggregation report.

Note: These percentages have been rounded. As a result, adding them together may not equal exactly 100%.

Overall reporting status

248 indicators
72Exploring data sources29%

Status by goal

No poverty

13 indicators
3Exploring data sources23%

Zero hunger

14 indicators
4Exploring data sources29%

Good health and well-being

28 indicators
4Exploring data sources14%

Quality education

12 indicators
2Exploring data sources17%

Gender equality

14 indicators
3Exploring data sources21%

Clean water and sanitation

11 indicators
4Exploring data sources36%

Affordable and clean energy

6 indicators
0Exploring data sources0%

Decent work and economic growth

16 indicators
2Exploring data sources13%

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

12 indicators
1Exploring data sources8%

Reduced inequalities

14 indicators
4Exploring data sources29%

Sustainable cities and communities

15 indicators
7Exploring data sources47%

Responsible consumption and production

13 indicators
5Exploring data sources38%

Climate action

8 indicators
5Exploring data sources63%

Life below water

10 indicators
7Exploring data sources70%

Life on land

14 indicators
4Exploring data sources29%

Peace, justice and strong institutions

24 indicators
9Exploring data sources38%

Partnerships for the goals

24 indicators
8Exploring data sources33%

Overall disaggregation status

248 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
248Out of scope100%

Status by goal

No poverty

13 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
13Out of scope100%

Zero hunger

14 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
14Out of scope100%

Good health and well-being

28 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
28Out of scope100%

Quality education

12 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
12Out of scope100%

Gender equality

14 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
14Out of scope100%

Clean water and sanitation

11 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
11Out of scope100%

Affordable and clean energy

6 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
6Out of scope100%

Decent work and economic growth

16 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
16Out of scope100%

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

12 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
12Out of scope100%

Reduced inequalities

14 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
14Out of scope100%

Sustainable cities and communities

15 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
15Out of scope100%

Responsible consumption and production

13 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
13Out of scope100%

Climate action

8 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
8Out of scope100%

Life below water

10 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
10Out of scope100%

Life on land

14 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
14Out of scope100%

Peace, justice and strong institutions

24 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
24Out of scope100%

Partnerships for the goals

24 indicators
0Fully disaggregated0%
0Partially disaggregated0%
0Not disaggregated0%
24Out of scope100%

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